:::: www.frost-art.com :::: Frost's Portfolio Website ::::
:::: Last updated August 29th 2004 :::: Please do NOT redistribute the contents of this site ::::

This section contains technical specific works that I have engineered and produced. They are shown
here to demonstrate my technical abilities and understanding in programming, shader programming, etc.

TIP: Place cursor over thumbnails to view a short tooltip description of the image.
Click on a thumbnail to open up a new window and see the 'fullsize' image.

:::: Dot3 Self Shadowing on PS.1.1 and Xbox ::::


More personal research on attempting to implement high-end effects on low-end hardware. This example describes
a way to perform simple self-occluded shadowing on tangent space normal maps on PS.1.1 and Xbox, with the use of
an 8-bit height/occlusion map (stored in an alpha channel of a texture).

You can download or view the PDF at the link below :
Dot3 Self-Shadow Documentation (500Kb)
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader -- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat)

You can download the content package with sample PS code, textures, and PDF through the link below :
Dot3 Self-Shadow Downloadable Content Package (500Kb)
(Requires RAR/WinRAR -- http://www.rarlab.com)

You can download or view a DiVX video of the realtime demo through the link below :
DiVX AVI of Realtime Dot3 Self-Shadow Demo (1.3Mb)
(Requires DiVX 5.1.1 -- http://www.divx.com)

(Feel free to give your feedback and thoughts on this paper. If you use this technique
in a game or other production, or wish to further this research, please contact me.)

:::: Real-time Curvilinear Projection* ::::


This is the result of some personal research I had done at Matrox with vertex shaders. Curvilinear Projection 'curves'
the on-screen geometry so that the field of vision is not as restrictive as it is in linear projection, also correcting the
geometric aspect ratios across the rendering field. This is done at the low cost of a single transform per vertex through
a vertex shader (as opposed to multiple transforms for multiple render targets). This method was developed, designed and
implemented by yours truly.

You can download or view the PDF at the link below* :
Realtime Curvilinear Projection Documentation* (1Mb)
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader -- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat)

You can download or view a DiVX video of the realtime demo through the link below* :
DiVX AVI of Realtime Curvilinear Rendering Demo* (1.8Mb)
(Requires DiVX 5.1.1 -- http://www.divx.com)

* All content is the legal property of Matrox Graphics, Inc. and is no longer supported by the company.

(Feel free to give your feedback and thoughts on this paper. If you use this technique
in a game or other production, or wish to further this research, please contact me.)

:::: [Matrox Parhelia] Hardware Displacement Mapping (HDM)* ::::


Being their lead technical artist, the Matrox Graphics R&D team had approached me with the task of creating displacement
mapped geometric content, to test the efficiency and development flow of the new technology. This required close work with
the engineers for bug-stomping, as well as pushing for additional features. I also had to convince the Microsoft
DirectX team that displaced characters were possible with careful UV mapping and texturing crafting.

* All content is the legal property of Matrox Graphics, Inc. and is no longer supported by the company.

:::: "Frustos" Sidescroller 3DFX Glide Engine ::::


This was a mini-3D-SideScroller game engine I had programmed back in 1998 for research during my days at Ubi Soft.
It used 3DFX's Glide API for rendering the geometry. File loaders, parsers, texture memory management, voxel-based
frustum culling, moving dynamic ranged lighting, etc. were all programmed ("from scratch") by myself in Ansi C.

All artworks, designs, and contents are the creations and property of the author. This site's contents are
not to be redistributed without consent of the author, Danny Oros. Thank you for your attention.