:::: www.frost-art.com :::: Frost's Portfolio Website ::::
:::: Last updated May 21st 2005 :::: Please do NOT redistribute the contents of this site ::::

This section contains 3D artwork that has been for the most part produced with Discreet's 3DSMax.
Much of my time in the last 3 years was spent learning and directing real-time 3D technology demos...

TIP: Place cursor over thumbnails to view a short tooltip description of the image.
Click on a thumbnail to open up a new window and see the 'fullsize' image.

:::: Real-time 3D Works ::::
Random 3D work (tech demos, etc.)


All artworks, designs, and contents are the creations and property of the author. This site's contents are
not to be redistributed without consent of the author, Danny Oros. Thank you for your attention.